Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs! A great success and country pursuits like drag hunting are more popular than ever.
(too old to reply)
( _ /)
2008-02-20 09:59:06 UTC
Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs!


Monday 18th February marks the third anniversary of the ban on hunting
with dogs, and unsurprisingly public support for the Hunting Act is
rock solid. Seven out of ten people in Britain (71%) believe that
hunters should not be allowed to break the law, and the vast majority
do not want any return to the cruelty of the past. IFAW hunt monitors
will be out in force around the country, gathering evidence of any
suspected wrongdoing and passing it to the police. If you think it’s
important to enforce the hunting ban, make your voice heard now.

Overwhelming public support for hunting ban ridicules opposition’s
call for repeal

17 February 2008

(London, 17 February 2008) New polling figures released on the third
anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs reveal that the vast
majority of people do not want hunting wild animals - foxes, deer and
hare - with dogs to be made legal again, and think hunters should obey
the law.

The Ipsos MORI polls, released today by the International Fund for
Animal Welfare (IFAW), the League Against Cruel Sports and the RSPCA,
show that more than seven out of ten people in Britain (71 %) believe
that hunters should not be allowed to break the law. [Note 1]

Furthermore, 73% do not want fox hunting to be made legal again. Eight
in ten, 81%, were opposed to bringing back deer hunting, and 82 % were
opposed to changing the law to allow hare hunting or coursing. [Note

Sir Robert Worcester, Founder of MORI, said “These latest polls show
clearly that the British public still feels strongly about this issue.
Public perception remains for many that hunting wild mammals with a
pack of dogs is cruel. Before the ban was introduced, public support
for a ban in our surveys typically ranged between 2:1 to 3:1 in favour
– so this latest figure suggests that this pattern is continuing.”

A MORI poll conducted in January 2002, before the ban was introduced,
also revealed that 72% of the public think fox hunting should be
illegal – showing that support today is at the same level as 6 years

Robbie Marsland, UK Director of IFAW, said: “This news will come as a
bitter blow for the hunt lobby, which is desperate to promote their
cruel sport. This shows that the overwhelming majority of the British
public has no tolerance for hunters who believe they are above the

John Rolls, RSPCA Director of Animal Welfare Promotion, said: "This
shows support for a ban on hunting is not just strong, it is rock
solid. The British public strongly supports the ban, they want it to
stay, and no amount of distraction has changed that. It's high time
that pro-hunting campaigners gave up the chase and realised the public
strongly supports the ban."

Douglas Batchelor, Chief Executive of the League, said: “Our main
concern is with continuing to monitor those hunters who believe they
are above the law and think they can ride roughshod over the Hunting
Act. It’s only a matter of time before the minority who illegally
chase and kill animals for pleasure will be brought to justice.”

The Hunting Act 2004 was passed by parliament in November and came
into effect on 18 February 2005. It outlaws the chasing and killing of
deer, foxes, hares and mink with dogs.
Jim Webster
2008-02-20 10:24:19 UTC
Post by ( _ /)
Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs!

Anti-foxhunting campaign is ban's real victim
By Jasper Copping
Last Updated: 11:49pm GMT 16/02/2008

When the hunting law was introduced, it was feared or feted as the end of a
country sport. Now, three years later, it appears to have left the pursuit's
opponents deeply wounded, while hunting goes from strength to strength.

In pictures: Three years on, the hunt continues
Crufts turns 'all teeth and hair'
The number of protesters has fallen by almost two-thirds despite claims that
hunts are routinely breaking the law, and reports that more foxes are being
killed now than before the Hunting Act was signed into law.

Figures released by the Countryside Alliance (CA) ahead of the Act's third
anniversary tomorrow show that protester numbers have fallen to just 678
this season, with only three weekends still to run.

Over the same period, the hunts themselves have enjoyed a remarkable
renaissance, with record numbers of people taking part.

With anti-hunt activists also admitting that they are facing problems
recruiting people, the news will strengthen calls for the Act to be repealed
and will also embarrass the Government.

Tim Bonner, from the CA, said: "The anti movement has run out of steam. This
shows up the myth that there is a vast anti-hunting movement. Instead, there
is only a tiny and dwindling number of hardcore activists left who will
never be won over."

This season has so far seen 84 hunts targeted by a total of 678 protesters.
During the 2003-04 season - the last before the Act was introduced - there
were 196 hunts and 1,924 protesters.

In the years leading up to the ban, groups of saboteurs numbering in the
hundreds were common.

More than 500 protesters threw eggs and other missiles at the Essex Farmers
and Union meet at Maldon on Boxing Day in 2000.

In one particularly brutal encounter in 1997, 120 saboteurs attacked the
Hursley Hambledon Hunt near Warnford in Hampshire, wielding baseball bats
and smashing car windscreens. Three hunt supporters needed hospital
treatment while 44 protesters were arrested.

Lee Moon, from the Hunt Saboteurs Association, would not reveal exactly how
many members his organisation had, but admitted: "There has been a drop-off.

"We know the hunts are killing foxes against the law, week in, week out. But
when we try and recruit new members, the public's perception is that fox
hunting has been banned. We face a struggle to get the message out there."

Meanwhile, the League Against Cruel Sports, which spearheaded the
introduction of the Hunting Act, is selling its £1.2?million offices in
central London and seeking cheaper premises.

However, Barry Hugill, its spokesman, said: "The league is not as active as
before the ban, but if there was an attempt to repeal it, money would flood
in and people would sign up. Our support is dormant."

Mr Hugill was unable to say exactly how many members the League had, but
stated it was between 5,000 and 10,000. In the 1990s, it had 18,000.

When the Act came into force in February 2005, supporters and opponents of
the legislation were united in the belief that it would kill off the sport.
In fact, it has been given a new lease of life, with 68,000 followers
hunting by using various exemptions under the law.

Many now take part in drag hunts, where riders and hounds pursue a scented
rag, or in trail hunts which involve following a scent trail.

It is still permissible to kill foxes if the dogs stumble upon them
accidentally, and they can still be driven out of hiding and shot as long as
no more than two hounds are involved. Dogs can also be used to flush out a
fox so it can be hunted by a bird of prey.

Jim Barrington is a former director of the League Against Cruel Sports who
has now changed sides and campaigns for licensed hunting on behalf of the
Middle Way Group of MPs.

He said: "The hunt supporters have been pleasantly surprised by the
legislation while the antis are realising it hasn't turned out as they

"The league is in a difficult position because it drafted the law, and even
though it isn't working, it has to say it is. And that is not a message that
is going to encourage people to continue supporting it."
( _ /)
2008-02-20 12:14:31 UTC
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:24:19 -0000, "Jim Webster"
Post by Jim Webster
Post by ( _ /)
Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs!
Anti-foxhunting campaign is ban's real victim
By Jasper Copping
Last Updated: 11:49pm GMT 16/02/2008
You mean you actually believe the Countryside Alliance lies Jim? Now
there's a thing! LOL you must be feeling pretty desperate these days,
at least with the NFU you don't have to stump up.
Jim Webster
2008-02-20 12:35:42 UTC
Post by ( _ /)
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:24:19 -0000, "Jim Webster"
Post by Jim Webster
Post by ( _ /)
Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs!
Anti-foxhunting campaign is ban's real victim
By Jasper Copping
Last Updated: 11:49pm GMT 16/02/2008
You mean you actually believe the Countryside Alliance lies Jim?
face up to facts pete, the rest of the world is laughing at the antis who
were so stupid they couldn't even get a workable law through, and all their
support has faded away,
anyway, time to kilfile this sock puppet,

Jim Webster
( _ /)
2008-02-20 13:04:23 UTC
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:35:42 -0000, "Jim Webster"
Post by Jim Webster
Post by ( _ /)
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:24:19 -0000, "Jim Webster"
Post by Jim Webster
Post by ( _ /)
Third anniversary of the ban on hunting with dogs!
Anti-foxhunting campaign is ban's real victim
By Jasper Copping
Last Updated: 11:49pm GMT 16/02/2008
You mean you actually believe the Countryside Alliance lies Jim?
face up to facts pete, the rest of the world is laughing at the antis who
were so stupid they couldn't even get a workable law through, and all their
support has faded away,
Almost as fantastic a story as your penchant for fantasy games. Will
the hobbits come and get us Jim?
