The Campaign for Freedom of Information
(too old to reply)
Old Codger
2008-02-17 16:59:53 UTC

The Campaign for Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Campaign has produced a version of the full text of the UK Freedom
of Information Act 2000 which can be downloaded from this page in a
single file.

The Campaign's version is available in either Acrobat or Rich Text
Format. To read the Acrobat version you will need to have the Acrobat
reader program installed; you can download it by clicking here.

The Act is also available from the Stationery Office website, but
there it is published in a format which requires readers to view more
than 30 separate pages.



The RSPB are a touch edgy about the act, although they claim it's
worried about rare birds!

Heres how to apply for information under the act.

Old Codger
2008-02-17 17:02:08 UTC
On Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:59:53 +0000, Old Codger
Post by Old Codger
The Campaign for Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information Act 2000
The Campaign has produced a version of the full text of the UK Freedom
of Information Act 2000 which can be downloaded from this page in a
single file.
The Campaign's version is available in either Acrobat or Rich Text
Format. To read the Acrobat version you will need to have the Acrobat
reader program installed; you can download it by clicking here.
The Act is also available from the Stationery Office website, but
there it is published in a format which requires readers to view more
than 30 separate pages.
The RSPB are a touch edgy about the act, although they claim it's
worried about rare birds!
Heres how to apply for information under the act.
We want to know about the RSPB and other CONservation hooligans?


" A lot of public money is paid to voluntary bodies and private
companies. Where public money is paid out, the public have a right to
see how it is spent. As has been said, that applies to companies such
as Reliance, but it also applies to charities such as RSPB Scotland,
whose turnover exceeds £80 million. The RSPB spends around £30 million
on staff. How does it do that? I would like to see information on the
public money that the RSPB receives. I hope that such bodies—bodies
that profess to have a civic responsibility—would volunteer to tell
the public how much public money they manage to consume. Members of
the Scottish Crofters Union whom I met on Saturday in Lochaber were
slightly envious to learn that the RSPB makes £1 million a year from
its farming income. That is more than any of the crofters who were
present at the Torlundy mart on Saturday.

However, the second and main area that I wish to address relates to
commercial confidentiality. The excuse of commercial confidentiality
is often used as a smokescreen and convenient expedient when there is
no well-founded justification for the withholding of information on
the basis of confidentiality "
Old Codger
2008-02-17 19:49:09 UTC
Old Codger wrote:

Not a word of it. Pete the troll is forging posts in my name.
Post by Old Codger
We want to know about the RSPB and other CONservation hooligans?
As Pete never reads what he posts and desires only to provoke
argument it is safest to assume that anything he espouses is
at least unsafe and probably malicious.
Old Codger
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What matters in politics is not what happens, but what you can make
people believe has happened. [Janet Daley 27/8/2003]